Dato' Sri Alias Bin Ahmad
(Independent Non-Executive Director and Chairman)
Age 66 , Malaysian Male
Dato’ Sri Alias Bin Ahmad is the Non-Executive Director and Chairman of the Company since 4 January 2022. Dato’ Sri Alias is also the Chairman of the Nomination Committee and the Remuneration Committee, as well as a member of the Audit Committee and the Risk Management Committee.
Dato’ Sri Alias graduated from Universiti Malaya with a Bachelor (Hons) of Arts and Social Sciences in 1981 and a Masters of Strategic and Defence Studies in 2001. He also holds various diplomas and certificates in public management, intelligence and security, emergency responses and advanced management and leadership from other institutions such as the University of Oxford, United Kingdom and Military College, Taipei, Taiwan.
Over the last 34 years between 1984 and 2018, Dato' Sri Alias has served the country and the Malaysian government in various capacities and departments which included the Ministry of Education ("MOE"), Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Home Affairs ("MOHA"), State Security Department, Immigration Department, National Security Council ("NSC"), among others.
Some of the notable positions which he hads held includes as Director General of the Department of Immigration, Malaysia from 2010 until 2014, Secretary General of Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs ("KPDNHEP") from 2014 until 2016, Secretary of NSC in 2016 before he retired as the Secretary General of the MOE in May 2018.
Besides that, he had held many directorships and council memberships in a number of private and public listed companies, board of government agencies, institutions, foundations and etc. He was a board member of Bank Rakyat Malaysia from 2015 until 2019, the Chairman of the Companies Commission of Malaysia from 2014 till 2016, and was also a Council Member of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation from 2017 until 2018.
Save as disclosed above, he does not hold any other directorship in any other public companies or public listed companies.
Dato’ Sri Alias does not have any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest, including interest in any competing business, in any business arrangement involving the Company and its subsidiaries.
Dato’ Sri Alias does not hold any shares directly or indirectly in the Company. Dato’ Sri Alias does not have any family relationship with any other director and/or substantial shareholders of the Company.